Night In: Stargazing in Kauai
The north shore of Kauai is near and dear to my heart and, while it’s far from Iowa, it feels as warm as home. Stargazing among the lush greenery, with the waves crashing in the background, snacking on popcorn is about as divine as it gets in my book. Here’s a shooting star of a night-in!
Eating: Making popcorn over an open fire is pretty impressive and somehow makes it taste better. Pop Rosemary Garlic to match the verdant surroundings. Pair with Uncle Mikey’s dried fruit or coconut candy and a bar of Kauai Chocolate Co’s dark chocolate.
Sipping: The best kombucha I’ve ever had from Kauai Juice co.
Accouterments: Hawaii-based Citron + Date natural died kimono robe ,
Spraying: Organic bug spray from Kinfield that, honestly, could be double as perfume.
Setting: Stargazing tents give you a measure of protection and the option to fall asleep outside.
Scanning: Use the Night Sky app to explore the stars and learn more about the constellations you're looking at.
xo, Kate.